@@ -0,0 +1,712 @@
+// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.
+#include "Debugger/EzAbilityTrace.h"
+#include "EzAbility.h"
+#include "EzAbilityExecutionTypes.h"
+#include "EzAbilityIndexTypes.h"
+#include "Exporters/Exporter.h"
+#include "Serialization/BufferArchive.h"
+#include "ObjectTrace.h"
+#include "Editor.h"
+#endif // WITH_EDITOR
+UE_TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN(EzAbilityDebugger, WorldTimestampEvent)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(double, WorldTime)
+UE_TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN(EzAbilityDebugger, AssetDebugIdEvent)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint64, Cycle)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(UE::Trace::WideString, AbilityName)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(UE::Trace::WideString, AbilityPath)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint32, CompiledDataHash)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint16, AssetDebugId)
+UE_TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN(EzAbilityDebugger, InstanceEvent)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint64, Cycle)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint32, InstanceId)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint32, InstanceSerial)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(UE::Trace::WideString, InstanceName)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(std::underlying_type_t<EEzAbilityTraceEventType>, EventType)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint16, AssetDebugId)
+UE_TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN(EzAbilityDebugger, InstanceFrameEvent)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint64, Cycle)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint32, InstanceId)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint32, InstanceSerial)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint16, AssetDebugId)
+UE_TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN(EzAbilityDebugger, PhaseEvent)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint64, Cycle)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint32, InstanceId)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint32, InstanceSerial)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(std::underlying_type_t<EEzAbilityUpdatePhase>, Phase)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint16, StateIndex)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(std::underlying_type_t<EEzAbilityTraceEventType>, EventType)
+UE_TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN(EzAbilityDebugger, LogEvent)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint64, Cycle)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint32, InstanceId)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint32, InstanceSerial)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(UE::Trace::WideString, Message)
+UE_TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN(EzAbilityDebugger, StateEvent)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint64, Cycle)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint32, InstanceId)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint32, InstanceSerial)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint16, StateIndex)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(std::underlying_type_t<EEzAbilityTraceEventType>, EventType)
+UE_TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN(EzAbilityDebugger, TaskEvent)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint64, Cycle)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint32, InstanceId)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint32, InstanceSerial)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint16, NodeIndex)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint8[], DataView)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(std::underlying_type_t<EEzAbilityTraceEventType>, EventType)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint8, Status)
+UE_TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN(EzAbilityDebugger, EvaluatorEvent)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint64, Cycle)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint32, InstanceId)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint32, InstanceSerial)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint16, NodeIndex)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint8[], DataView)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(std::underlying_type_t<EEzAbilityTraceEventType>, EventType)
+UE_TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN(EzAbilityDebugger, TransitionEvent)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint64, Cycle)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint32, InstanceId)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint32, InstanceSerial)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint8, SourceType)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint16, TransitionIndex)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint16, TargetStateIndex)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint8, Priority)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(std::underlying_type_t<EEzAbilityTraceEventType>, EventType)
+UE_TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN(EzAbilityDebugger, ConditionEvent)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint64, Cycle)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint32, InstanceId)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint32, InstanceSerial)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint16, NodeIndex)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint8[], DataView)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(std::underlying_type_t<EEzAbilityTraceEventType>, EventType)
+UE_TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN(EzAbilityDebugger, ActiveStatesEvent)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint64, Cycle)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint32, InstanceId)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint32, InstanceSerial)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint16[], ActiveStates)
+ UE_TRACE_EVENT_FIELD(uint16[], AssetDebugIds)
+namespace UE::EzAbilityTrace
+ FDelegateHandle GOnWorldTickStartDelegateHandle;
+ FDelegateHandle GTracingStateChangedDelegateHandle;
+ /** Struct to keep track if a given phase was traced or not. */
+ struct FPhaseTraceStatusPair
+ {
+ explicit FPhaseTraceStatusPair(const EEzAbilityUpdatePhase Phase, const FEzAbilityStateHandle StateHandle)
+ : Phase(Phase)
+ , StateHandle(StateHandle)
+ {
+ }
+ EEzAbilityUpdatePhase Phase = EEzAbilityUpdatePhase::Unset;
+ FEzAbilityStateHandle StateHandle = FEzAbilityStateHandle::Invalid;
+ bool bTraced = false;
+ };
+ /** Struct to keep track of the list of stacked phases for a given ability instance. */
+ struct FPhaseStack
+ {
+ FEzAbilityInstanceDebugId InstanceId;
+ TArray<FPhaseTraceStatusPair> Stack;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Struct to hold data for asset debug id events until we are ready to trace the events (i.e. traces are active and channel is enabled).
+ */
+ struct FAssetDebugIdEventBufferedData
+ {
+ FAssetDebugIdEventBufferedData() = default;
+ explicit FAssetDebugIdEventBufferedData(const UEzAbility* Ability, const FEzAbilityIndex16 AssetDebugId) : WeakAbility(Ability), AssetDebugId(AssetDebugId)
+ {
+ }
+ void Trace() const
+ {
+ if (ensureMsgf(UE_TRACE_CHANNELEXPR_IS_ENABLED(EzAbilityDebugChannel), TEXT("Tracing a buffered data is expected only if channel is enabled.")))
+ {
+ if (const UEzAbility* Ability = WeakAbility.Get())
+ {
+ OutputAssetDebugIdEvent(Ability, AssetDebugId);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TWeakObjectPtr<const UEzAbility> WeakAbility;
+ FEzAbilityIndex16 AssetDebugId;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Struct to hold data for active states events until we are ready to trace the events (i.e. traces are active and channel is enabled).
+ */
+ struct FInstanceEventBufferedData
+ {
+ struct FActiveStates
+ {
+ FActiveStates() = default;
+ explicit FActiveStates(const TConstArrayView<FEzAbilityExecutionFrame> ActiveFrames)
+ {
+ for (const FEzAbilityExecutionFrame& Frame : ActiveFrames)
+ {
+ const FEzAbilityIndex16 AssetDebugId = FindOrAddDebugIdForAsset(Frame.Ability.Get());
+ const int32 RequiredSize = StatesIndices.Num() + Frame.ActiveStates.Num();
+ StatesIndices.Reserve(RequiredSize);
+ AssetDebugIds.Reserve(RequiredSize);
+ for (const FEzAbilityStateHandle StateHandle : Frame.ActiveStates)
+ {
+ StatesIndices.Add(StateHandle.Index);
+ AssetDebugIds.Add(AssetDebugId.Get());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool IsValid() const { return StatesIndices.Num() > 0 && StatesIndices.Num() == AssetDebugIds.Num(); }
+ void Output(const FEzAbilityInstanceDebugId InInstanceId) const
+ {
+ UE_TRACE_LOG(EzAbilityDebugger, ActiveStatesEvent, EzAbilityDebugChannel)
+ << ActiveStatesEvent.Cycle(FPlatformTime::Cycles64())
+ << ActiveStatesEvent.InstanceId(InInstanceId.Id)
+ << ActiveStatesEvent.InstanceSerial(InInstanceId.SerialNumber)
+ << ActiveStatesEvent.ActiveStates(StatesIndices.GetData(), StatesIndices.Num())
+ << ActiveStatesEvent.AssetDebugIds(AssetDebugIds.GetData(), AssetDebugIds.Num());
+ }
+ TArray<uint16> StatesIndices;
+ TArray<uint16> AssetDebugIds;
+ };
+ FInstanceEventBufferedData() = default;
+ explicit FInstanceEventBufferedData(
+ const double RecordingWorldTime,
+ const UEzAbility* Ability,
+ const FEzAbilityInstanceDebugId InstanceId,
+ const FString& InstanceName)
+ : InstanceName(InstanceName)
+ , WeakAbility(Ability)
+ , InstanceId(InstanceId)
+ , LifetimeRecordingWorldTime(RecordingWorldTime)
+ {
+ }
+ void Trace() const
+ {
+ if (ensureMsgf(UE_TRACE_CHANNELEXPR_IS_ENABLED(EzAbilityDebugChannel), TEXT("Tracing a buffered data is expected only if channel is enabled.")))
+ {
+ if (const UEzAbility* Ability = WeakAbility.Get())
+ {
+ // Force a world time update since we are tracing an event from the past
+ UE_TRACE_LOG(EzAbilityDebugger, WorldTimestampEvent, EzAbilityDebugChannel)
+ << WorldTimestampEvent.WorldTime(LifetimeRecordingWorldTime);
+ OutputInstanceLifetimeEvent(InstanceId, Ability, *InstanceName, EEzAbilityTraceEventType::Push);
+ if (ActiveStates.IsValid())
+ {
+ // Force a world time update since we are tracing an event from the past
+ UE_TRACE_LOG(EzAbilityDebugger, WorldTimestampEvent, EzAbilityDebugChannel)
+ << WorldTimestampEvent.WorldTime(ActiveStatesRecordingWorldTime);
+ ActiveStates.Output(InstanceId);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FActiveStates ActiveStates;
+ FString InstanceName;
+ TWeakObjectPtr<const UEzAbility> WeakAbility;
+ FEzAbilityInstanceDebugId InstanceId;
+ double LifetimeRecordingWorldTime = 0;
+ double ActiveStatesRecordingWorldTime = 0;
+ };
+ /** Struct to keep track of the buffered event data and flush them. */
+ struct FBufferedDataList
+ {
+ double RecordingWorldTime = -1;
+ double TracedRecordingWorldTime = -1;
+ /**
+ * Stacks to keep track of all received phase events so other events will control when and if a given phase trace will be sent.
+ * This is per thread since it is possible to update execution contexts on multiple threads.
+ */
+ TArray<FPhaseStack> PhaseStacks;
+ /** List of asset debug ids events that will be output if channel gets enabled. */
+ TArray<FAssetDebugIdEventBufferedData> AssetDebugIdEvents;
+ /** List of lifetime events that will be output if channel gets enabled in the Push - Pop lifetime window of an instance. */
+ TMap<FEzAbilityInstanceDebugId, FInstanceEventBufferedData> InstanceLifetimeEvents;
+ /** Flag use to prevent reentrant calls */
+ bool bFlushing = false;
+ uint16 NextAssetDebugId = 1;
+ int32 CurrentVersion = 0;
+ int32 FlushedVersion = -1;
+ void Flush(const FEzAbilityInstanceDebugId InstanceId)
+ {
+ if (bFlushing)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ TGuardValue<bool> GuardReentry(bFlushing, true);
+ if (FlushedVersion != CurrentVersion)
+ {
+ FlushedVersion = CurrentVersion;
+ // Trace asset events first since they are required for instance lifetime event types.
+ // Events are preserved in case the trace session is stopped and then a new one gets started
+ // in the same game session. In which case we need to output the ids to that new trace.
+ for (const FAssetDebugIdEventBufferedData& AssetDebugIdEventData : AssetDebugIdEvents)
+ {
+ AssetDebugIdEventData.Trace();
+ }
+ // Then trace instance lifetime events since they are required for other event types.
+ // It is also associated to an older world time.
+ // Events are also preserved for the same reason as AssetDebugIdEvents.
+ for (TPair<FEzAbilityInstanceDebugId, FInstanceEventBufferedData>& Pair : InstanceLifetimeEvents)
+ {
+ Pair.Value.Trace();
+ }
+ }
+ TraceWorldTime();
+ if (InstanceId.IsValid())
+ {
+ TraceStackedPhases(InstanceId);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Called by TraceBufferedEvents from the OutputXYZ methods to make sure we have the current world time was sent.
+ */
+ void TraceWorldTime()
+ {
+ if (TracedRecordingWorldTime != RecordingWorldTime)
+ {
+ TracedRecordingWorldTime = RecordingWorldTime;
+ UE_TRACE_LOG(EzAbilityDebugger, WorldTimestampEvent, EzAbilityDebugChannel)
+ << WorldTimestampEvent.WorldTime(RecordingWorldTime);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Called by TraceBufferedEvents from the OutputXYZ methods to flush pending phase events.
+ * Phases popped before TraceStackedPhases gets called will never produce any trace since
+ * they will not be required for the analysis.
+ */
+ void TraceStackedPhases(const FEzAbilityInstanceDebugId InstanceId)
+ {
+ for (FPhaseStack& PhaseStack : PhaseStacks)
+ {
+ if (PhaseStack.InstanceId == InstanceId)
+ {
+ for (FPhaseTraceStatusPair& StackEntry : PhaseStack.Stack)
+ {
+ // Trace push phase event and marked as traced only if not already traced and our channel is enabled.
+ // We need the pop phase event to be sent only in this case to enforce complementary events in case of
+ // late recording (e.g. recording started, or channel enabled, after simulation is running and instances are ticked)
+ if (StackEntry.bTraced == false && UE_TRACE_CHANNELEXPR_IS_ENABLED(EzAbilityDebugChannel))
+ {
+ UE_TRACE_LOG(EzAbilityDebugger, PhaseEvent, EzAbilityDebugChannel)
+ << PhaseEvent.Cycle(FPlatformTime::Cycles64())
+ << PhaseEvent.InstanceId(InstanceId.Id)
+ << PhaseEvent.InstanceSerial(InstanceId.SerialNumber)
+ << PhaseEvent.Phase(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<EEzAbilityUpdatePhase>>(StackEntry.Phase))
+ << PhaseEvent.StateIndex(StackEntry.StateHandle.Index)
+ << PhaseEvent.EventType(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<EEzAbilityTraceEventType>>(EEzAbilityTraceEventType::Push));
+ StackEntry.bTraced = true;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void BumpTraceVersion()
+ {
+ // Bump version so shareable data will be flush in the next trace (e.g. Asset ids, instance lifetime events, etc.)
+ CurrentVersion++;
+ // Force world time to trace on the next event
+ RecordingWorldTime = -1;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Buffered events (e.g. lifetime, active state, scoped phase) in case channel is not active yet or phase are empty and don't need to be traced.
+ * This is per thread since it is possible to update execution contexts on multiple threads.
+ * @note The current implementation of the lifetime events doesn't properly support same instance getting ticked in different threads.
+ */
+ thread_local FBufferedDataList GBufferedEvents;
+ void TraceBufferedEvents(const FEzAbilityInstanceDebugId InstanceId)
+ {
+ GBufferedEvents.Flush(InstanceId);
+ }
+ void SerializeDataViewToArchive(FBufferArchive& Ar, const FEzAbilityDataView DataView)
+ {
+ constexpr uint32 PortFlags =
+ PPF_PropertyWindow // limit to properties visible in Editor
+ | PPF_ExportsNotFullyQualified
+ | PPF_Delimited // property data should be wrapped in quotes
+ | PPF_ExternalEditor // uses authored names instead of internal names and default values are always written out
+ | PPF_SimpleObjectText // object property values should be exported without the package or class information
+ | PPF_ForDiff; // do not emit object path
+ if (const UScriptStruct* ScriptStruct = Cast<const UScriptStruct>(DataView.GetStruct()))
+ {
+ FString StructPath = ScriptStruct->GetPathName();
+ FString TextValue;
+ ScriptStruct->ExportText(TextValue, DataView.GetMemory(), DataView.GetMemory(), /*OwnerObject*/nullptr, PortFlags | PPF_SeparateDefine, /*ExportRootScope*/nullptr);
+ Ar << StructPath;
+ Ar << TextValue;
+ }
+ else if (const UClass* Class = Cast<const UClass>(DataView.GetStruct()))
+ {
+ FString StructPath = Class->GetPathName();
+ FStringOutputDevice OutputDevice;
+ UObject* Object = DataView.GetMutablePtr<UObject>();
+ // Not using on scope FExportObjectInnerContext since it is very costly to build.
+ // Passing a null context will make the export use an already built thread local context.
+ UExporter::ExportToOutputDevice(nullptr, Object, /*Exporter*/nullptr, OutputDevice, TEXT("copy"), 0, PortFlags, false, Object->GetOuter());
+ Ar << StructPath;
+ Ar << OutputDevice;
+ }
+ }
+ void RegisterGlobalDelegates()
+ {
+ GOnWorldTickStartDelegateHandle = FWorldDelegates::OnWorldTickStart.AddLambda([&WorldTime=GBufferedEvents.RecordingWorldTime](const UWorld* TickedWorld, ELevelTick TickType, float DeltaTime)
+ {
+ WorldTime = FObjectTrace::GetWorldElapsedTime(TickedWorld);
+ });
+ // GTracingStateChangedDelegateHandle = UE::StateTree::Delegates::OnTracingStateChanged.AddLambda([](const bool bTracesEnabled)
+ // {
+ // // Bump trace version when disabling traces so next trace will flush buffered events that are still relevant.
+ // if (!bTracesEnabled)
+ // {
+ // GBufferedEvents.BumpTraceVersion();
+ // }
+ // });
+ }
+ void UnregisterGlobalDelegates()
+ {
+ FWorldDelegates::OnWorldTickStart.Remove(GOnWorldTickStartDelegateHandle);
+ GOnWorldTickStartDelegateHandle.Reset();
+ // UE::StateTree::Delegates::OnTracingStateChanged.Remove(GTracingStateChangedDelegateHandle);
+ // GTracingStateChangedDelegateHandle.Reset();
+ }
+ FEzAbilityIndex16 FindOrAddDebugIdForAsset(const UEzAbility* Ability)
+ {
+ FEzAbilityIndex16 AssetDebugId;
+ const FAssetDebugIdEventBufferedData* ExistingPair = GBufferedEvents.AssetDebugIdEvents.FindByPredicate([Ability](const FAssetDebugIdEventBufferedData& BufferedData)
+ {
+ return BufferedData.WeakAbility == Ability;
+ });
+ if (ExistingPair == nullptr)
+ {
+ if (ensure(Ability != nullptr))
+ {
+ AssetDebugId = FEzAbilityIndex16(GBufferedEvents.NextAssetDebugId++);
+ GBufferedEvents.AssetDebugIdEvents.Emplace(Ability, AssetDebugId);
+ OutputAssetDebugIdEvent(Ability, AssetDebugId);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ AssetDebugId = ExistingPair->AssetDebugId;
+ }
+ return AssetDebugId;
+ }
+ void OutputPhaseScopeEvent(FEzAbilityInstanceDebugId InstanceId, EEzAbilityUpdatePhase Phase, EEzAbilityTraceEventType EventType, FEzAbilityStateHandle StateHandle)
+ {
+ TArray<FPhaseStack>& PhaseStacks = GBufferedEvents.PhaseStacks;
+ int32 ExistingStackIndex = PhaseStacks.IndexOfByPredicate([InstanceId](const FPhaseStack& PhaseStack){ return PhaseStack.InstanceId == InstanceId; });
+ if (EventType == EEzAbilityTraceEventType::Push)
+ {
+ if (ExistingStackIndex == INDEX_NONE)
+ {
+ ExistingStackIndex = PhaseStacks.AddDefaulted();
+ }
+ FPhaseStack& PhaseStack = PhaseStacks[ExistingStackIndex];
+ PhaseStack.InstanceId = InstanceId;
+ PhaseStack.Stack.Push(FPhaseTraceStatusPair(Phase, StateHandle));
+ }
+ else if (ensureMsgf(ExistingStackIndex != INDEX_NONE, TEXT("Not expected to pop phases for an instance that never pushed a phase.")))
+ {
+ FPhaseStack& PhaseStack = PhaseStacks[ExistingStackIndex];
+ if (ensureMsgf(PhaseStack.Stack.IsEmpty() == false, TEXT("Not expected to pop phases that never got pushed.")) &&
+ ensureMsgf(PhaseStack.InstanceId == InstanceId, TEXT("Not expected to pop phases for an instance that is not the one currently assigned to the stack.")))
+ {
+ const FPhaseTraceStatusPair RemovedPair = PhaseStack.Stack.Pop();
+ ensureMsgf(RemovedPair.Phase == Phase, TEXT("Not expected to pop a phase that is not on the top of the stack."));
+ // Clear associated InstanceId when removing last entry from the stack.
+ if (PhaseStack.Stack.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ PhaseStacks.RemoveAt(ExistingStackIndex, /*Count*/1, EAllowShrinking::No);
+ }
+ // Phase was previously traced (i.e. other events were traced in that scope so we need to trace the closing (i.e. Pop) event.
+ if (RemovedPair.bTraced)
+ {
+ UE_TRACE_LOG(EzAbilityDebugger, PhaseEvent, EzAbilityDebugChannel)
+ << PhaseEvent.Cycle(FPlatformTime::Cycles64())
+ << PhaseEvent.InstanceId(InstanceId.Id)
+ << PhaseEvent.InstanceSerial(InstanceId.SerialNumber)
+ << PhaseEvent.Phase(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<EEzAbilityUpdatePhase>>(Phase))
+ << PhaseEvent.StateIndex(StateHandle.Index)
+ << PhaseEvent.EventType(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<EEzAbilityTraceEventType>>(EEzAbilityTraceEventType::Pop));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void OutputAssetDebugIdEvent(const UEzAbility* Ability, FEzAbilityIndex16 AssetDebugId)
+ {
+ {
+ TraceBufferedEvents(FEzAbilityInstanceDebugId::Invalid);
+ check(Ability);
+ const FString AbilityName = Ability->GetName();
+ const FString AbilityPath = Ability->GetPathName();
+ UE_TRACE_LOG(EzAbilityDebugger, AssetDebugIdEvent, EzAbilityDebugChannel)
+ << AssetDebugIdEvent.Cycle(FPlatformTime::Cycles64())
+ << AssetDebugIdEvent.AbilityName(*AbilityName, AbilityName.Len())
+ << AssetDebugIdEvent.AbilityPath(*AbilityPath, AbilityPath.Len())
+ << AssetDebugIdEvent.CompiledDataHash(Ability->LastCompiledEditorDataHash)
+ << AssetDebugIdEvent.AssetDebugId(AssetDebugId.Get());
+ }
+ }
+ void OutputInstanceLifetimeEvent(FEzAbilityInstanceDebugId InstanceId, const UEzAbility* Ability, const TCHAR* InstanceName, EEzAbilityTraceEventType EventType)
+ {
+ {
+ TraceBufferedEvents(InstanceId);
+ const FEzAbilityIndex16 AssetDebugId = FindOrAddDebugIdForAsset(Ability);
+ UE_TRACE_LOG(EzAbilityDebugger, InstanceEvent, EzAbilityDebugChannel)
+ << InstanceEvent.Cycle(FPlatformTime::Cycles64())
+ << InstanceEvent.InstanceId(InstanceId.Id)
+ << InstanceEvent.InstanceSerial(InstanceId.SerialNumber)
+ << InstanceEvent.InstanceName(InstanceName)
+ << InstanceEvent.EventType(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<EEzAbilityTraceEventType>>(EventType))
+ << InstanceEvent.AssetDebugId(AssetDebugId.Get());
+ }
+ // Buffer these events regardless of the status of the channel since they will be used
+ // when flushing buffered event when a late recording is started or more than one trace are started
+ // during the same game session (i.e. Start Traces -> Stop Traces -> Start Traces).
+ if (!GBufferedEvents.bFlushing)
+ {
+ if (EventType == EEzAbilityTraceEventType::Push)
+ {
+ GBufferedEvents.InstanceLifetimeEvents.Emplace(InstanceId, FInstanceEventBufferedData(GBufferedEvents.RecordingWorldTime, Ability, InstanceId, InstanceName));
+ }
+ else if (EventType == EEzAbilityTraceEventType::Pop)
+ {
+ GBufferedEvents.InstanceLifetimeEvents.Remove(InstanceId);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ensureMsgf(false, TEXT("Unexpected EventType '%s' for instance lifetime event."), *UEnum::GetDisplayValueAsText(EventType).ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void OutputInstanceFrameEvent(FEzAbilityInstanceDebugId InstanceId, const FEzAbilityExecutionFrame* Frame)
+ {
+ check(Frame != nullptr);
+ {
+ TraceBufferedEvents(InstanceId);
+ const FEzAbilityIndex16 AssetDebugId = FindOrAddDebugIdForAsset(Frame->Ability.Get());
+ UE_TRACE_LOG(EzAbilityDebugger, InstanceFrameEvent, EzAbilityDebugChannel)
+ << InstanceFrameEvent.Cycle(FPlatformTime::Cycles64())
+ << InstanceFrameEvent.InstanceId(InstanceId.Id)
+ << InstanceFrameEvent.InstanceSerial(InstanceId.SerialNumber)
+ << InstanceFrameEvent.AssetDebugId(AssetDebugId.Get());
+ }
+ // No need to buffer since frame event are sent each time a FrameScope is used by the execution context
+ // and we don't expect the trace channel to be enabled/disabled during a single execution context update.
+ }
+ void OutputLogEventTrace(FEzAbilityInstanceDebugId InstanceId, const TCHAR* Fmt, ...)
+ {
+ static TCHAR TraceStaticBuffer[8192];
+ GET_TYPED_VARARGS(TCHAR, TraceStaticBuffer, UE_ARRAY_COUNT(TraceStaticBuffer), UE_ARRAY_COUNT(TraceStaticBuffer) - 1, Fmt, Fmt);
+ TraceBufferedEvents(InstanceId);
+ UE_TRACE_LOG(EzAbilityDebugger, LogEvent, EzAbilityDebugChannel)
+ << LogEvent.Cycle(FPlatformTime::Cycles64())
+ << LogEvent.InstanceId(InstanceId.Id)
+ << LogEvent.InstanceSerial(InstanceId.SerialNumber)
+ << LogEvent.Message(TraceStaticBuffer);
+ }
+ void OutputStateEventTrace(FEzAbilityInstanceDebugId InstanceId, FEzAbilityStateHandle StateHandle, EEzAbilityTraceEventType EventType)
+ {
+ TraceBufferedEvents(InstanceId);
+ UE_TRACE_LOG(EzAbilityDebugger, StateEvent, EzAbilityDebugChannel)
+ << StateEvent.Cycle(FPlatformTime::Cycles64())
+ << StateEvent.InstanceId(InstanceId.Id)
+ << StateEvent.InstanceSerial(InstanceId.SerialNumber)
+ << StateEvent.StateIndex(StateHandle.Index)
+ << StateEvent.EventType(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<EEzAbilityTraceEventType>>(EventType));
+ }
+ void OutputTaskEventTrace(FEzAbilityInstanceDebugId InstanceId, FEzAbilityIndex16 TaskIdx, FEzAbilityDataView DataView, EEzAbilityTraceEventType EventType, EAbilityRunStatus Status)
+ {
+ FBufferArchive Archive;
+ SerializeDataViewToArchive(Archive, DataView);
+ TraceBufferedEvents(InstanceId);
+ UE_TRACE_LOG(EzAbilityDebugger, TaskEvent, EzAbilityDebugChannel)
+ << TaskEvent.Cycle(FPlatformTime::Cycles64())
+ << TaskEvent.InstanceId(InstanceId.Id)
+ << TaskEvent.InstanceSerial(InstanceId.SerialNumber)
+ << TaskEvent.NodeIndex(TaskIdx.Get())
+ << TaskEvent.DataView(Archive.GetData(), Archive.Num())
+ << TaskEvent.EventType(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<EEzAbilityTraceEventType>>(EventType))
+ << TaskEvent.Status(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<EAbilityRunStatus>>(Status));
+ }
+ void OutputEvaluatorEventTrace(FEzAbilityInstanceDebugId InstanceId, FEzAbilityIndex16 EvaluatorIdx, FEzAbilityDataView DataView, EEzAbilityTraceEventType EventType)
+ {
+ FBufferArchive Archive;
+ SerializeDataViewToArchive(Archive, DataView);
+ TraceBufferedEvents(InstanceId);
+ UE_TRACE_LOG(EzAbilityDebugger, EvaluatorEvent, EzAbilityDebugChannel)
+ << EvaluatorEvent.Cycle(FPlatformTime::Cycles64())
+ << EvaluatorEvent.InstanceId(InstanceId.Id)
+ << EvaluatorEvent.InstanceSerial(InstanceId.SerialNumber)
+ << EvaluatorEvent.NodeIndex(EvaluatorIdx.Get())
+ << EvaluatorEvent.DataView(Archive.GetData(), Archive.Num())
+ << EvaluatorEvent.EventType(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<EEzAbilityTraceEventType>>(EventType));
+ }
+ void OutputConditionEventTrace(FEzAbilityInstanceDebugId InstanceId, FEzAbilityIndex16 ConditionIdx, FEzAbilityDataView DataView, EEzAbilityTraceEventType EventType)
+ {
+ FBufferArchive Archive;
+ SerializeDataViewToArchive(Archive, DataView);
+ TraceBufferedEvents(InstanceId);
+ UE_TRACE_LOG(EzAbilityDebugger, ConditionEvent, EzAbilityDebugChannel)
+ << ConditionEvent.Cycle(FPlatformTime::Cycles64())
+ << ConditionEvent.InstanceId(InstanceId.Id)
+ << ConditionEvent.InstanceSerial(InstanceId.SerialNumber)
+ << ConditionEvent.NodeIndex(ConditionIdx.Get())
+ << ConditionEvent.DataView(Archive.GetData(), Archive.Num())
+ << ConditionEvent.EventType(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<EEzAbilityTraceEventType>>(EventType));
+ }
+ void OutputTransitionEventTrace(FEzAbilityInstanceDebugId InstanceId, FEzAbilityTransitionSource Source, EEzAbilityTraceEventType EventType)
+ {
+ FBufferArchive Archive;
+ Archive << EventType;
+ TraceBufferedEvents(InstanceId);
+ UE_TRACE_LOG(EzAbilityDebugger, TransitionEvent, EzAbilityDebugChannel)
+ << TransitionEvent.Cycle(FPlatformTime::Cycles64())
+ << TransitionEvent.InstanceId(InstanceId.Id)
+ << TransitionEvent.InstanceSerial(InstanceId.SerialNumber)
+ << TransitionEvent.SourceType(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<EEzAbilityTransitionSourceType>>(Source.SourceType))
+ << TransitionEvent.TransitionIndex(Source.TransitionIndex.Get())
+ << TransitionEvent.TargetStateIndex(Source.TargetState.Index)
+ << TransitionEvent.Priority(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<EEzAbilityTransitionPriority>>(Source.Priority))
+ << TransitionEvent.EventType(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<EEzAbilityTraceEventType>>(EventType));
+ }
+ void OutputActiveStatesEventTrace(FEzAbilityInstanceDebugId InstanceId, TConstArrayView<FEzAbilityExecutionFrame> ActiveFrames)
+ {
+ {
+ TraceBufferedEvents(InstanceId);
+ const FInstanceEventBufferedData::FActiveStates ActiveStates(ActiveFrames);
+ ActiveStates.Output(InstanceId);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // We keep only the most recent active states since this is all we need to know in which state was the instance
+ // when we start receiving the events once the channel is enabled.
+ if (FInstanceEventBufferedData* ExisingBufferedData = GBufferedEvents.InstanceLifetimeEvents.Find(InstanceId))
+ {
+ ExisingBufferedData->ActiveStates= FInstanceEventBufferedData::FActiveStates(ActiveFrames);
+ ExisingBufferedData->ActiveStatesRecordingWorldTime = GBufferedEvents.RecordingWorldTime;
+ }
+ }
+ }